Ability Capsule Pokemon Insurgence (2025)

1. Ability Capsule - Questions - The Pokemon Insurgence Forums

  • 25 sep 2017 · One's in Helios City, held by the Delibird on the second floor of the house below and to the right of the Jade Tower.

  • When is the earliest available ability capsule in-game?

Ability Capsule - Questions - The Pokemon Insurgence Forums

2. Murk Forest - The Pokemon Insurgence Wiki

  • Areas of Interest · Inner Area · Spider Area · Items

  • Murk Forest is a forest which lies between Nasca Town and Hekate Town. The winding forest is covered with a thick layer of fog which is responsible for a sense of unease among some of the trainers exploring the area. Two Moss Rocks can be found throughout the forest, which allow Eevee to evolve into Leafeon.

Murk Forest - The Pokemon Insurgence Wiki

3. Ability Vs. Hidden Ability - Questions - The Pokemon Insurgence Forums

  • 12 jan 2017 · Using an Ability Capsule allows you to switch between a Primary and Secondary Ability. ... Ah I see, but the hidden ability still takes the place ...

  • Is there a difference between the two? I’m the type of crazy maniac that needs to know everything about a game before playing, plays the game and finds out there was something he didn’t know, then goes back to restart LOL… I always thought they were the same thing, but I’ve been finding some threads and some info online that suggest they are not.

Ability Vs. Hidden Ability - Questions - The Pokemon Insurgence Forums

4. Ability capsule - Questions - The Pokemon Insurgence Forums

  • 11 sep 2017 · Earliest is murk forest iirc, and no, it can only change in between abilities if a pokemon has two. Else it'll have no effect.

  • where can i buy ability capsules and can it switch the ability to a pokemon’s hidden ability?

Ability capsule - Questions - The Pokemon Insurgence Forums

5. Dream Mist - The Pokemon Insurgence Wiki

  • 4 mei 2022 · A mystic mist from Musharna. It has a mysterious power if used correctly.

  • From The Pokemon Insurgence Wiki

6. Item Locations - The Pokemon Insurgence Wiki

7. Can't use ability capsule on my Blaziken - Questions

  • 17 aug 2020 · So my Blaziken has Blaze ability and I want to change it to Speed Boost. When I try to use it, it says it wont have any effect.

  • So my Blaziken has Blaze ability and I want to change it to Speed Boost. When I try to use it, it says it wont have any effect. Anyone know whats the problem?

Can't use ability capsule on my Blaziken - Questions

8. Helios Department Store | Pokemon Insurgence Wiki | Fandom

  • However, the Department Store does not actually sell Ability Capsules at this time. ... Pokemon Insurgence Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Full Site.

  • The Helios Department Store is the largest shop in Torren at this point in the game's development, far larger than the average Poké Mart. The store is four stories tall, excluding the basement. Here, a receptionist welcomes customers and explains the store layout as needed. Though she rants about the basement being off limits when asked about it, there is nothing stopping the player from heading downstairs whenever they |} |} |} |} |} |} |} |} The receptionist o(PUTO EL QUE LO LEA n the first fl

Helios Department Store | Pokemon Insurgence Wiki | Fandom

9. Ability Capsule - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon ...

  • The Ability Capsule (Japanese: とくせいカプセル Ability Capsule) is a medicine introduced in Generation VI. It changes a Pokémon's Ability. Contents. 1 In the ...

  • From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

10. Geen titel

  • ... Pokémon Insurgence Wiki first. It has a search bar on the left part of ... Ability capsules cannot give your Pokémon hidden abilities. How do I access ...

  • If you want to know where you can find something, or how you can complete a certain part of the game, check the Pokémon Insurgence Wiki first. It has a search bar on the left part of the page. You can also search in this subreddit.

11. Ability Capsule - Questions - The Pokemon Insurgence Forums

  • 28 aug 2017 · Is the ability capsule supposed to be multiple use? It didn't get consumed when I used it on my pokemon, and it also is in the medicine ...

  • Is the ability capsule supposed to be multiple use? It didn’t get consumed when I used it on my pokemon, and it also is in the medicine section for some reason. Used it around 4 times and it’s still there. I heard that you could buy more at Murk Forest, but I’m not sure why you would need to if you can just use one over and over.

Ability Capsule - Questions - The Pokemon Insurgence Forums

12. Getting hidden abilities - Questions - The Pokemon Insurgence Forums

  • 3 jul 2016 · You can only acquire hidden ability Pokemon from the Friend Safari. Their encounter rate is about 1/5. Later on, once you get one you can breed ...

  • So i wanted to know how to get hidden abilities in the game, I know there’s a small chance of getting them by friend safari but I was wondering if there’s a guaranteed way to get them in insurgence. Specifically, I’m looking for speed boost veni/whirlipede. I haven’t played ORAS or XY so this probably is a dumb question but bear with me please. Thanks

Getting hidden abilities - Questions - The Pokemon Insurgence Forums

13. Part 26: Kepler City - Pokemon Insurgence - The Let's Play Archive

  • I used my ability capsule on Snorflax to change her ability. The upcoming boss has a moveset deliberately designed to counter all its weaknesses, and that ...

  • Let's Play Pokemon Insurgence by DoubleNegative - Part 26: Kepler City

14. Helios City | Pokemon Insurgence Wiki | Fandom

  • Items. |- style="background: #FFFFFF;" | align="center" | Ability Capsule | align="center" | | align="left" | Held by one of the in the house below and to ...

  • Helios City is the capital of the region and also possesses the largest population size out of all the cities in Torren. It is home to the Second Augur Jaern, who can be found inside the Jade Tower. A Department Store is situated in the southeastern part of the city. A cave is located on an island in the southwest that cannot be accessed yet. As the player heads into Helios City, Damian will meet with them to inform them that Sky cultists have already taken over the Jade Tower and that the two o

Helios City | Pokemon Insurgence Wiki | Fandom

15. Delta Muk ability change - Questions - The Pokemon Insurgence Forums

  • 26 aug 2017 · Do all Delta Muks automatically change to Regurgitation? Also, is there any way to change it back? I've heard of ability capsules; will I be ...

  • So, I made sure to catch a Delta Grimer with Sap Sipper as its ability – cool pokemon, with Minimize. It just leveled up to Delta Muk. I saved the game, and then noticed that its ability had changed to Regurgitation! There goes my grass-immune ground type. Regurgitation looks like a cool ability, but I really liked Sap Sipper. The wiki says that Delta Muk can have Sap Sipper, so I’m confused. Why did the ability change? Do all Delta Muks automatically change to Regurgitation? Also, is there any...

Delta Muk ability change - Questions - The Pokemon Insurgence Forums

16. Part 22: Miara Town - Pokemon Insurgence - The Let's Play Archive

  • Anyway, for abilities this pokemon line gets Overcoat (No damage from ... I'm tempted to use my only Ability Capsule on Snorflax here, to make the ...

  • Let's Play Pokemon Insurgence by DoubleNegative - Part 22: Miara Town

17. Insurgence/Other Fangames vs. Uranium

  • 13 mei 2020 · That's part of why the Ability Capsules were so convenient and welcome. ... Quote: The ability to chose what ball a hatched Pokemon is contained ...

  • You're currently viewing a stripped down version of our content. View the full version with proper formatting.

18. Does trading change abilities? - The Pokemon Insurgence Forums

  • 24 aug 2020 · i know its the same togetic and i severely doubt that someone used an ability capsule just to troll, so whats up? is this an intended mechanic?

  • does trading have a chance to change abilites? i traded my togetic to someone and back so that they could teach it a move, and when I looked at the ability, it changed from serene grace back to haste. i know its the same togetic and i severely doubt that someone used an ability capsule just to troll, so whats up? is this an intended mechanic?

Does trading change abilities? - The Pokemon Insurgence Forums

19. Jess' mono-Delta run of Pokemon Insurgence (in Hard mode)! [Latest ...

  • 31 aug 2017 · An Ability Capsule will make him change his mind (if I EVER be given one by the game). Seriously, the Ability Capsules are given to us too ...

  • Chapter 5: Caves and Deserts-AI is dumb!

20. Ability Capsule maybe glitched? - The Pokemon Insurgence Forums

  • 6 mrt 2020 · I don't remember where I got the Ability Capsule, but I used it and it's not consumed. I've used it many times on many Pokemon but it still ...

  • I don’t remember where I got the Ability Capsule, but I used it and it’s not consumed. I’ve used it many times on many Pokemon but it still is in my bag, working fine. I just wanna know if I have a glitch or if the capsule is supposed to be infinite use.

Ability Capsule maybe glitched? - The Pokemon Insurgence Forums

21. Pokémon Insurgence Item IDs - pdfcoffee.com

  • TM128 Wormhole Abomasite Azure Flute Tower Photograph Ability Capsule Typhlosionite Feraligatite Meganiumite Gyaradosite Houndoomite Manectrite Medichamite ...

  • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 3...

Pokémon Insurgence Item IDs - pdfcoffee.com
Ability Capsule Pokemon Insurgence (2025)


What are the odds of getting a hidden ability in Pokémon insurgence? ›

You can only acquire hidden ability Pokemon from the Friend Safari. Their encounter rate is about 1/5. Later on, once you get one you can breed it for more hidden ability Pokemon of the same species. Egg Generator in EGGLOCKE, requires you to create a new game, but you can build that dream team.

How do you get Ability Capsules in Pokémon insurgence? ›

When is the earliest available ability capsule in-game? One's in Helios City, held by the Delibird on the second floor of the house below and to the right of the Jade Tower. You can buy more in the Murk Forest secret shop in the top left.

Can you get hidden abilities with Ability Capsule? ›

Most Pokemon have a second Ability that you can unlock with an Ability Capsule, while an Ability Patch unlocks a hidden Ability. Simply give your Pokemon a Capsule or Patch to switch your Pokemon's Ability.

How many hours does it take to beat Pokémon insurgence? ›

61 Hours
Main Story1360h 37m
Main + Extras10110h 25m
Completionist2164h 27m
All PlayStyles25130h 46m

How hard is it to get hidden abilities? ›

It is possible to get some Pokemon with hidden abilities in lower-level Tera Raid battles, most notably with Ditto having a 100% chance of having its hidden ability in raids. Seven-star Tera Raid battles, like the one featuring Mightiest Mark Cinderace, had a 100% chance of yielding a hidden ability Pokemon.

Can you catch Darkrai in insurgence? ›

If you catch Darkrai, the game skips the boss fight. It's over. We've beaten you both. Amy's caught and partnered up with Darkrai, the ruler of this realm.

What is the easiest way to get an Ability Capsule? ›

You can buy an Ability Capsule from Chansey Supply after you've completed "The Way Home" main quest and started the postgame. One Ability Capsule costs 100000. The Chansey Supply stores can be found in the following cities: Mesagoza.

What is the mega Eevee ability in Pokémon insurgence? ›

It has a unique ability called Protean Maxima. This ability allows it to transform into any Eeveelution at the start of a turn, regardless of its Speed stat.

Are insurgence starters shiny locked? ›

Sega is what EAin't. I'd also add that nothing in Insurgence is shiny locked. You can soft reset for even shiny Mythicals if you want to. I think most fangames do that anyway, but I'd say it anyway, just in case you're not used to it.

Can a male Pokémon pass down a hidden ability? ›

Once you have the Pokémon with the Hidden Ability you desire, you can breed it to its offspring. In the past, only the female Pokémon could pass it down, but now the male can as well. The female Pokémon with the Hidden Ability has a 60 percent chance of passing it down.

Does everstone pass down ability? ›

No. The everstone has NO effect on ability. Just nature.

Why can't I use the Ability Capsule? ›

The Ability Capsule can only be used on a Pokémon that belongs to a species that has two standard Abilities. For example, it can be used to change a Pidgey's Ability from Keen Eye to Tangled Feet (or vice versa), but it cannot be used on a Pikachu (whose standard Ability is always Static).

What are the shiny odds in insurgence? ›

The base Shiny rate in Insurgence is 1/4096 (0.024%), which applies to wild encounters, breeding, and in-game trades. After obtaining the Shiny Charm, the Shiny rate for wild encounters and Eggs obtained in the Daycare Center increases to 3/4096 (about 1/1365, or 0.073%).

Is there a way to speed up Pokemon insurgence? ›

This setting enables the user to alter the game's difficulty in order to accommodate the player's play style. This setting enables the user to speed up the game without requiring the use of a third party program. The user must press the "m" key in order to activate this feature.

What happens if you lose to NYX insurgence? ›

In accordance with the promise made to the player upon losing, Nyx and her people were immediately returned to their own dimension, forbidding them from returning ever again.

What are the odds of getting a hidden ability? ›

The normal chances of finding a Hidden Ability pokemon are just a measly 5% of the times you'll encounter the pokemon. Thus, if the pokemon has just one more normal ability, it will have a 95 % of having the normal ability and a 5% of having its hidden one.

Are hidden ability Pokémon rare? ›

Pokémon occasionally will have this hidden ability but this is still rare. In Sun & Moon, Pokémon encountered in SOS Battles have a chance of having a hidden ability after 10 KOs. In addition to these ways, Pokémon can breed down the ability. Event Pokémon may also have the Pokémon's hidden ability.

Does Pokémon insurgence have increased shiny odds? ›

The base Shiny rate in Insurgence is 1/4096 (0.024%), which applies to wild encounters, breeding, and in-game trades. After obtaining the Shiny Charm, the Shiny rate for wild encounters and Eggs obtained in the Daycare Center increases to 3/4096 (about 1/1365, or 0.073%).

How often do hidden grottos reset Pokémon insurgence? ›

Page actions. Hidden Grotto is a feature in Pokémon Insurgence that allows the player to catch rare Pokémon or find some uncommon items. The contents of the Hidden Grottoes are random, and they will regenerate after 12 hours of real time have passed since the player's last visit inside of the grotto.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.