Logging Into My Kohl’s Card (2025)

Thank you for being a Kohl's Card customer! We have upgraded our My Kohl's Card website to provide enhanced features and security.

Please see below for registration instructions and general troubleshooting.

Register for online access

Tips: Once your Username is created, it CANNOT be changed.

  1. Click “Register for online access” on the login page.
    Logging Into My Kohl’s Card (1)
  2. Enter your 12-digit card number from a Kohl’s Card. Please note: your account number from your statement will not work.
    Logging Into My Kohl’s Card (2)
  3. Enter your last name as it appears on the Kohl’s Card.
  4. Enter your date of birth following the format shown (example: 01/01/1970).
  5. Enter your ZIP/Postal code.
  6. Click “Continue”.
  7. Enter a Username. Your Username is case sensitive, so when logging in, it will need to be entered exactly how you create it here. It must be 4-20 characters long and cannot be your password or email address.
  8. Enter your mobile phone number.
  9. Enter your email address and then confirm it by entering it again.
  10. Create a password.
    Logging Into My Kohl’s Card (3)
    • Here are the password guidelines:
      1. 8-20 characters
      2. 1 lowercase letter (a-z)
      3. 1 uppercase letter (A-Z)
      4. 1 number (0-9)
      5. 1 special character: ! @ # $ % ^ , _
      6. Cannot have more than two repeating characters
      7. Cannot be the same as username
  11. Re-enter your password.
  12. Click “Continue”.
  13. Complete our one time passcode process.

Parameters around security

We care about protecting your information. That's why we sometimes ask you to complete verification by a temporary identification code. This one time passcode is an automatically generated alphanumeric string of characters that authenticates your identity. We might ask this for situations where an extra level of account protection is needed.

When we might ask for a one time passcode:

  • Registering your account
  • Requesting your username
  • Requesting a new password
  • Using a new device or utilizing an unrecognized network (the prompt may appear every 60 days even if you are using a previously recognized device)

When we need to verify your identity, you'll see the screen below letting you know we need your verification.

Logging Into My Kohl’s Card (4)

We'll ask you where you want to receive your verification code. You can choose either your email address or mobile phone number. If you already had a code sent to you but you somehow lost the code input screen, you can also select that you already have a code. We use the email address or phone number you already have on your account, so if you don't have access to either, contact Customer Service.

Shortly after you press the "Continue" button, you'll receive your six-digit, one time passcode.

If you had the code sent to your email address, open a new browser tab/window to check your email. Don't navigate away from this page or it will invalidate your code.

Below is anexampleof how you might see the code on your phone:

Logging Into My Kohl’s Card (5)

After you receive your code, type the code into the entry box that is on My Kohl's Card. If you didn't receive your code, the email or text message might be blocked or sent to your spam/junk folder.

Logging Into My Kohl’s Card (6)

Once the code is verified, that's it! You can continue with whatever you are doing.

Forgot Username

  1. Click “Forgot username?” on the My Kohl’s Card login page.
  2. Enter your 12-digit card number from a Kohl’s Card. Please note: your account number from your statement will not work.
    Logging Into My Kohl’s Card (7)
  3. Enter your last name as it appears on the Kohl’s Card.
  4. Enter your date of birth following the format shown (example: 01/01/1970).
  5. Enter your ZIP/Postal code.
  6. Click “Continue”.
  7. Complete our one time passcode process.
  8. Please note your username as it shows on the screen. You must enter it exactly as shown when logging in (your username is case sensitive).
  9. Click “Continue”.
  10. You’ll be back to the login screen with your username prepopulated.

Forgot Password

If you forget your password, click “Forgot password?” on the My Kohl’s Card login page.

Logging Into My Kohl’s Card (8)

Please follow these steps to complete the password change process.

  1. Enter your username, cardholder last name, date of birth and ZIP/postal code.
  2. Click “Continue”.
  3. You’ll be asked to create a new password. Here are the password guidelines:
    1. Must be 8-20 characters in length
    2. Must contain at least one uppercase and lowercase letter
    3. Must contain at least one number
    4. Must contain at least one special character
    5. Cannot contain more than two repeated characters
    6. Cannot contain your username
  4. You will be asked to complete verification by a temporary identification code (see above for more information).
  5. You’ll be taken to the account homepage.

Please note: If you are locked out of your account due to multiple failed login attempts, you will not be able to try logging in again until your account goes through a "cool-down period" of at least 2 hours. This security feature is not able to be overridden by anyone, so please be patient and try again at least two or more hours later.

Logging Into My Kohl’s Card (2025)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.