CLASSIFIED August 21, 1983 Classified Page 3 582:2622 General Information Office Hours Telephone Sales a.m, to 7:00 p.m. a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Counter Sales a.m. to 5:00 p.m. To Place a Classified Ad, Call 1-502-582-2622 By 5 p.m. the previous day for regular, single column, metropolitan circulation. Ads for Sunday must be placed by 5 p.m., Friday.
For illustrated display and full circulation orders, deadline is two days prior to publication. To Cancel a Classified Ad, Call 1-502-582-2622 Cancellations received before 7 p.m. weekdays will be made for the next day's morning newspaper. Cancellations for the Sunday paper must be made by Friday. Special Condition Please check your ad.
If you find a mistake, please call us at 582-2622 before 1:00 p.m., so we can change it for the next day. All advertising is subject to the Publisher's Advertising Acceptance Guidelines. The 1 Publisher has the right to decline any advertising which it deems unacceptable. The Publisher's liability failure to or for errors to for. cost of the ad or of that portion of the ad in which any error appears.
Funeral 115 Directors Arch L. Heady Son "Where Personal Sincere Service is a Tradition" Nine Locations to Serve You 0. D. White Sons Funeral Home 2727 South 3rd Street 637-4474 PEARSON FUNERAL HOME L. D.
Pearson Son, Inc. 149 Breckenridge Ln. 896-0340 RATTERMAN SONS 2114 W. Market 776-4661 3800 Bardstown Rd. 459-3800 4832 Cane Run Rd.
447-7114 BARRETT FUNERAL HOME 1230 Bardstown Rd. 451-5530 -BOSSE FUNERAL HOME 2723 Preston Hgwy. 635-6371 HIGHLAND FUNERAL Home 3331 Taylorsville Rd. Off Dutchman's Ln. 451-4420 OWEN FUNERAL HOME 5317 Dixie Hgwy.
447-2600 RATTERMAN BROTHERS 893-3644 3711 Lexington Rd. RUSSMAN SON 1041 Goss 635-7426 SCHOPPENHORST NEURATH UNDERWOOD FUNERAL HOMES THE McDANIEL Funeral Home, Inc. 363-3566 363-3567 4339 Park Blvd. Cemetery 120 Lots, Mausoleums HIGHLAND Memory Gardens, 2 lots, 2 lawn crypts, companion memorial. Value $2000.
Sell $1400. 267-5889 LOUISVILLE Memorial Gardens West. Atonement Gardens section. 2 lots, 2 vaults, companion memorial. Asking $600 each, 969-9050 LOUISVILLE Memorial Gardens West, 2 crypts, $2600.
Call 491-5768 after 5 p.m. RESTHAVEN Garden of Apostles 2 inground spaces, 2 vaults, $1850. 968-0573 RESTHAVEN, 2 mausoleums, East Chapel area, value is $3695; sell for $3250, 239-5806 RESTHAVEN, Garden of 2 grave lot, $1000. 635-5308 RESTHAVEN, 3 grave plot, in Masonic section, asking $1800. 964-6862.
RESTHAVEN, 2 Mausoleum Crypts, A-level, cost $3295, sell for $2195. 1-538-4724 RESTHAVEN, 2 grave lot, Garden of the Cross, $900, 896-1603 In Memoriam 140 Lillie Mae Davenport God saw you getting weary, he did what he thought best. He put his arms around you whispered come rest. The Golden Gates stood open on that heartbreaking day and with farewells unspoken, you gently slipped away. And to all who still have mothers, cherish them with care, for you will never know the heartbreak til you find she isn't there.
Sadly missed by all that love you. Lost 145 BIRD, co*ckatiel, white cheeks, Bellarmine area, answers to 458-7586 454-3148 REWARD BIRD, co*ckatiel, gray, Iroquois Park area, answers to Barney, call 367-9982 $25 REWARD BIRD, gray co*ckatiel, Shively area, answers Pete REWARD 448-5378 CAT much loved large white male lost in April near Breckenridge Bardstown black collar white flea collar. $50 Reward 239-7242. CAT, calico, female, Hollow Creek area, lost Aug. 8, 239-7182 DOG Blue Australian Shepherd, 15" tall, gray blue in color, spot in eye, female, 2 yrs.
old, answers to Bit" lost in vacinity of Prospect Shopping Center. 228-4892 REWARD DOG, male, Dachshund mix, Schnauzer clip, bobtail, mostly gray color. No tags. Lost in area of 38th Market Answers to the name of REWARD 451-8205 DOG, brown co*ck -a answers to lost in vicinity of Homeview Dr. on Wed.
Aug. 17th. Call 582-1889 days, 637-6943 evenings. 368- 7557 after 4:30 pm REWARD Lost 145 DOG, Red Hound, with white markings, red nose eyes, 50 Iroquois Park area, answers to REWARD 969-3840, 363-3835 DOG, black lab male, "'Skip''lost Aug 10 near Indian Hills or Blankenbaker Ln, 895-0743 REWARD DOG, small reddish brown female, part Chow, spotted tongue, lost Fri. afternoon in Grade Lane Outer Loop area.
Call 361-1359. DOG, Beagle red boned, Aug. 9th, Schuff Ln. Gardiner Waggles. Call 454-7497 REWARD DOG, black female Toy Poodie, 14 yrs.
old, needs medicine, Lost Preston Indian Trail area. Contact 1160 W. Indian Trail or call 368-3042 DOG, curly black medium size male, very friendly, Hikes Point area, answers to License 10514, 454-5969 DOG Boxer male, brindle white, Westport Rd. area, REWARD 423-8580 DOG, female German Shepherd, 11 months, Greenwood Rd. area.
Reward. 935-9277. DOG, white male Poodle in the Camp Taylor area. Blue collar, lost 451-9817 DOG, yellow Labrador Retriever, no collar, Blankenbaker area. 425-9277, 895-0264 DOG, Basset, male, child's pet, Clarks Lane area, reward, call 637-5000.
DOG, black Labrador female, Lost in Anchorage Area, PLEASE CALL 245-8512 KEYS, (7) on leather holder, on Aug. 17th, Bardstown Rd. St. Matthews area REWARD 228-3382, 423-0112 KEYS, lost in Shawnee Golf Park silver key ring, key is 860, 368-8328 KITTEN, black female, Indian Trail area, REWARD PUPPY, male German Shepherd, approx. 3 mo.
old, black tan markings, lost in Picadilly Apartment complex $50 Reward 239-1849 PURSE, brown leather, lost near Woodlawn Ave. across from the Library. 367-1582. REWARD Found 150 NOTICE: Ads will be published in the FOUND classification without charge as public service. Limit: Up to 25 words for 3 days or less.
ANIMAL LOST IF SO Call Kentucky Humane Society 241 Steedly Dr. 366-3355 CAT, female Siamese, black flea collar, Found outside Nazareth Nursing Home, Newburgh Rd. 969-5501 CAT, white long haired, light brown spots, Hurstbourne area. Owner call 426-4463 DOG, small black white male, part Terrier, cute, found at Winn Dixie, Preston Eastern Aug. 18, owner claim or give to good home, 458-1847 DOG female, mix, part Irish Setter, reddish, older dog.
Found Mon. morning, in parking lot at 994 Longfield Ave. Call 361-8447. DOG, male pedigreed puppy, at Truck weighing station, east side of Louisville on 1-71. Call 513-233-7963 large, black female, white friendly, red collar, neck.
North of Shepherdsville in Brooks area, 957-4428 DOG, Husky, male, full grown, wearing choker chain, no tags. Must identify. 425-3307. DOG black tan Doberman Pincher found in Eastwood area on Shelbyville Rd. 244-1517 DOG, Golden Retriever mixed, female, found in traffic at Bardstown Creek Area.
Call 239-6928. DOG, Mixed puppy, part Shepherd, Westport Rd Herr Lane area, Aug. 18, 423-0203 DOG, small female Benie type in Maryville Subdivision in Bullift Co. 955-8401 or 955-8316. KITTEN, Calico, approx.
5 to 6 mos. old, call discribe. 935-2255 Information 155 Personals HOWARD REUNION SEPT. 4, 1983. 10 a.m-? Phillip Martin Laura Belle Howard Family Lincoln Park Club House.
Patsy Cavanaugh Stilger, (502) 969-4598. Linda I. Harmon, 606-269-2941 REUNION USS WASP CV-7 Sept. 15-18, Denver, CO. For information 502-543-6908 There's GOOD NEWS about BARGAINS in CLASSIFIED The Courierand The Louisville Times Classified To Place An Ad Call 582-2622 Announcements Death Notices 100 Legal Notices 105 Community Club Notes 110 Funeral Directors 115 Cemetery Lots, Mausoleums 120 Monuments 125 Florist, Flowers 130 Cards of Thanks 135 In Memoriam 140 Lost 145 Found 150 Information, Personals 155 Information, Business 160 Happy Ads 165 Births 170 Anniversaries 175 Derby Information 180 Special Notices 199 Employment Resume Service 200 Help Wanted 205 Booth Rental Space 210 Sales Help Wanted 225 Employment Agencies 235 Career Services 238 Employment Wanted 240 Information 155 Personals CONGRATULATIONS LT.
MARK W. CLARK LT. ANNA M. CLARK MOM HAD FAITH! CAROL If could change Thursday night would. know there's no hope for the future.
But please forgive me. K. FOR SALE 6 UK 1983 football season tickets parking permit, days call 634-0026; evenings, call 456-4828 STOLEN Reward, 1980 Moped Tomos, Silver Bullet, automatic, taken from Hurstbourne subdivision last Tues. Call 423-1429 VOLUNTEERS for assistance in eradicating inequality in divorce property settlements. Name, address phone to: Box T-118, 525 W.
Broadway, Louisville, 40202. JOY B. If you are still in town call the Museum. would like to see you again. Ruth H.
PREGNANT? Adoption Is An Option South Central Christian Family Services. 282-8248 969-0977 SOFTBALL Men's Co-ed. Bardstown Rd. League starts Sept. 6.
Call Jadie Frazier 425-7290. Wanted Videotape of Quincy's TV show of the Marriage Ceremony. Call 425-5256 or 267-9599. THANK YOU St. Anthony St.
Jude For my son's job. D. D. 1 Way Airline Ticket Louisville to Los Angeles to be used by Aug. 30.
368-2407 Anyone mad with the way workers compensation has been treating you call 968-6850 FOUR UK Season Football Tickets Parking Pass. Good seats. Call 896-8675. Individual male softball player would like to ioin team. Call Mike, 239-0772 JESUS, was he or was he not a strict 367-7451 THANK YOU, St.
Joseph, St. Jude, The Blessed Mother for my husband's job. C. G. THANKS ST.
JUDE for Prayers Answered. E. G. THANKS To St. Jude For favors received, C.J.F.
THANKS TO ST. JUDE FOR FAVORS GRANTED LL Thanks to St. Jude For prayers answered, G.R. Thanks To St. Jude For favors received.
Darrell Information 160 Business FREE PREGNANCY TESTS E.M.W. Health Services for Women Outpatient Surgery for Women including Pregnancy Termination, Laparoscopic Tubal Ligation Surgery') Comprehensive counseling and referral services. 600 4th Ave. Louisville, KY. 40202 502-589-2124 In Kentucky 1-800-292-2189 Out of State 1-800-626-3512 HOME GOING INTO FORECLOSURE? BEHIND IN PAYMENTS? PAY CASH! Dale Chism Realtor 589-1514 JOES BODY SHOP 13404 60 Middletown, Ky 40243 8:30 5, Mon-Fri; Sat, 8:30 1 Prices starting at $169.50 1 day service on most jobs.
245-3828 FREE Pregnancy Test Womens Health Services 834 E. Broadway, Suite 400 Full counseling abortions by certified obstetrician gynecologist, 589-4030, Mon. -Sat. HAPPY GRAMS Belly, Hula, Mae West, Miss Piggy, Piper, Clown, Gorilla, Ballons 20 other acts. 239-1444 BASS PLAYER vocals needed for top 40 group.
425-8783 DRIVE CARS FREE Y. all points USA AUTO DRIVEWAY 456-4990 WANTED Band looking for excellent lead vocalist. Call 448-3235 CHURCHILL Downs Stock, will pay market for shares up to 1000. 896-4679 FREE PREGNANCY TEST Reisco Clinic, 589-6206 PRIVATE Bodyguard, escort, courier service, confidential, Executive Security, 228-0232. Employment 200 249 Resume 200 Service day service.
Nationwide employment. A.P.A. 635-7721 RESUMES "REASONABLE" MBA Inc. 423-1545 Help Wanted 205 ANOTHER CLASSIFIED SERVICE THE COURIER- JOURNAL TIMES cannot disclose the identity of any advertiser using a box number. However, readers interested in a position offered, but desiring to avoid sending a resume to certain companies can do so.
Address your reply to the box number and place it in an envelope addressed to Classified Blind Box Service, Courier -Journal Times, 525 W. Broadway, Louisville, Ky. 40202, along with a note listing the companies you do not want your reply to reach. If the advertiser is anvone on your list, we will destroy your reply. Be sure to use the complete box number when you address your reply.
For example, "Box Complete number includes letters and numerals and is necessary to process your response. ACCOUNT Executive, image important. Experienced in advertising sales, knowledge of audio visuals, slides film strips. Good benefits, OUR FEE PAID! To $40,000 Call Betty Zapp 895-9494 SNELLING SNELLING Business Services Offered 242 Domestic Services Offered 245 Instruction Colleges Universities 250 Business Schools 255 Vocational, Trade Schools 260 Medical Training 265 Real Estate Schools 270 Beauty Schools 275 Correspondence Schools 280 Youth Instruction 285 Adult Education 290 Private Instruction 295 Miscellaneous Instruction 299 Financial Business Opportunities 300 Franchises, Investments 305 Business Opportunities Wanted 310 Insurance 315 Money To Lend 320 Money Wanted 321 Mortgages For Sale 325 Mortgages Wanted 326 Real Estate Loans 349 Business to Business Merchandise, Equipment 375 Services 390 Services Home Services 400 Personal Services 450 Professional Services 480 Pets Dogs, Puppies, Needs 500 Miscellaneous Pets 510 Pet Grooming 515 Riding Horses, Needs 520 Veterinarians 530 Kennels 535 Stud Service 545 Events, Announcements 549 Agri-Business Livestock 555 Hay, Feed, Grain 560 Farm Supplies Equipment 565 Veterinary Supplies 580 Farm Items Wanted 590 Farm Financing, Sewing Machines, Camp Lake Sites 880 Classified Family Ads Insurance 595 Fabrics 756 Fishing Hunting Sites 885 When something to sell, what many other you have do Farm Announcements 598 TV's, Stereos, Sporting Goods 890 satisfied Classified, it's fast, people douse the easy, Video Games 760 Swimming Pools low-cost way to find a buyer. Merchandise for Sale Miscellaneous 769 Supplies 895 Swaps 770 Sporting Events, Qualifications: or Rent Wanted To Buy 780 Announcements 898 1.
May be used only by individuals; not available to Antiques, Art, 700 Special Sales- Transportation businesses, institutions or for any type real estate for Collectibles Miscellaneous 790 rent or for sale, livestock, or items made of gold and Air Conditioning, Automobiles For Sale 900 702 Special Sales -West 791 Sport Import Cars 905 silver. Heating, Plumbing Appliances 706 Special Sales- -Central 792 Antique, Custom Built 910 2. Any item for sale must sell for less than $10,000. Books, Sale, Wanted 708 Special Sales- -East 793 Trucks, Vans, Trailers, Special Sales -South 794 4x4's 920 3. Ads may be cancelled, but will be charged for Building Material 710 Special Sales -Indiana 795 Autos, Trucks number of days originally ordered.
Cameras, Photo Equipment 712 Recreation 925 4. People-to-People ads can be ordered in the full Clothing, Furs 716 Boats Accessories 800 Auto Financing, circulation editions of The Courier-Journal and The Diamonds, Jewelry 718 Marine, Insure Insurance 930 Louisville Times, add per line, per day. Firewood, Fuel 728 Finance 815 Tires, Batteries, Furniture, Houseboats For Rent 817 Accessories 940 Household Goods 730 Boat Storage Slips 820 Auto Parts Supplies 945 Good Things To Eat 732 Boats Equipment Auto Repairing Hobby Crafts 734 Wanted 830 Service 955 Home Improvements 740 Recreational Vehicles, Motorcycles, Parts, Industrial Equipment 742 Supplies 840 Service 970 Lawn Garden RV's Wanted 845 Airplanes, Instruction 980 Products 744 Bicycles, Mopeds 860 CB's, Radios, Stereos 985 Musical Instruments 748 Vacation Suggestions 865 Wanted Autos, Trucks 999 Power Tools, Travel Tours 870 Machinery 752 Resorts For Rent 875 Help Wanted 205 Help Wanted 205 Help Wanted 205 ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTANT Immediate need for supervisor of general and cost accounting functions and general office personnel. Must Have BS degree accounting and a minimum of 3 yrs. experience in accounting on a computerized system.
Applicant should be able to perform the work as well as SUpervise others. Submit written resume: LF Nettinger, President Project Heating Cooling Box 23132 Louisville, My. 40223 ACCOUNTANT Partial Listing Of Jobs LOCAL SALARY TO Payroll Mgr. $24,000 Healthcare Audit Mgr. $45,000 Cost Reimbursem*nt Con.
$60,000 EDP Auditor $35,000 Commercial Loan Off. $32,000 Tax Mgr. $45,000 NEARBY SALARY TO Cost Accounting Supervisor $31,000 Sr. Financial Analyst $32,000 Sr. Internal Auditor $30,000 For an immediate and confidential on these and other iob openings call: MASTER SEARCHER MIKE JOHNSON, CPA Master Search Inc.
1230 Hurstbourne Ln. 426-JOBS No Fee No Contract ACCOUNTANT ROBER HALF hinancial and 0dp persessel specialists LINCOLN INCOME CENTER 6200 DUTCHMANS LN LOUISVILLE, KY 40205 (502) 456-4253 CONTROLLER Healthcare $35,000 Insurance $32,000 Retail $25,000 COST Corporate-Mfg. $40,000 Food Process $32,000 Mfg. $23,000 Call Mike Crain on these local nearby opportunities. ACCOUNTANT STAFF AUDITOR Position available for an individual to assume responsibilities of a Staff Auditor.
Qualifications include BS Degree in Accounting and 2- 3 yrs. public accounting experience. CPA banking experience a plus. Send resume to Liberty National Bank Trust Human Resourses P.O. Box 34000, Louisville, 40232.
Equal opportunity employer ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTANT Securities firm specializing in the sale of tax shelters and tax advantaged investment needs accountants to work as sales representatives and personal financial advisors on a commission basis as independent contractors. We are seeking outgoing and personable representatives who can successfully meet the public, be worthy of the confidence and personal trust of our clients and easily communicate matters pertaining to taxation and personal finance on a professional level. No prior sales or securities experience required, training provided. Send resume to Box A-123 CJ Times, 525 W. Broadway, Louisville, 40202 Subsidiary of national company seeks a full charge BOOKKEEPER to handle computerized payroll ledger and balance sheets for company in Sellersburg.
Excellent package. Resume to PO drawer Sellersburg, Ind. 47172 ACCOUNTANT to $28,000 FEE PAID. High level staff position firm. Excellent position for CPA! 897-5347 Business Mens Clearing House 616 EXECUTIVE PARK ACCOUNTANT CPA with 4 vrs.
background, in small to medium public accounting firm. Weinberg Okoon 426-8600 0000000 ACCOUNTING AUDIT SUPERVISOR SALARY TO $35,000 No Fee No Contract My client has a NEW POSITION which calls for a minimum of 4 years audit experience. CPA a must. travel. Primarily involved with planning, SAS training and development.
Call MR. ANGEL at 456-4330 for an confidential interview. MANAGEMENT RECRUITERS 0000000. ACCOUNTING Clerk. To $11,440.
Prefer 2 years bookkeeping experience. Immediate opening with excellent company. Hurry! Call Kristy 948-2860 Snelling Snelling NEED C-A-S-H? Sell Something You Don't Need With A WANT AD! Help Wanted 205 AUTOMOTIVE FINANCE INSURANCE MANAGER Requirements: Neat appearance Outgoing Personality Strong Desire to suceed Excellent sales ability with an apptitude for detail work Professional requisites or a minium of 2 years experience in the financing field. Base salary plus commission. Should enable qualified person to earn $20,000 plus per year.
Benefits include: Demonstrator, excellent working conditions, insurance plan and comprehensive training program. Send resume to box H-558, CJ Times, Louisville, KY 40202. All replies confidential. AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC Due to our recent service expansion we have immediate openings for GM mechanics with experience and training. We offer excellent pay plan with many benefits including an air conditioned shop.
Qualified individuals apply in person to Mr. Ron Hopkin at Don Corlett Motors Charles Good Buick 3718 Bardstown Rd. deeded AUTOMOTIVE Sales LEASING BID MANAGER Cars and trucks. Several lines to sell from. Wide open territory, base plus commission, demonstrator furnished, vacation and hospitalization insurance.
Must be experienced and a self-starter. Send resume to Box U- 858, CJ-Times, Louisville, KY 40202 AUTOMOTIVE BODY SHOP TRUCK SERVICE TECHNICIAN Due to expansion of large, local truck dealership, we need experienced body and truck technicians. Please send work history and salary requirements to: A. ABELL P. O.
BOX 34068 LOUISVILLE, KY 40232 Equal Opportunity Employer AUTOMOTIVE BILLING And TITLE CLERK One of Kentuckiana's largest dealerships is looking for an experienced billing and title clerk. Good pay and fringe benefits. If you like working with fast pace and high volume, apply in person 10 to Mon. through Fri. Dodge World 5311 Dixie Hgwy.
BABY Sitter needed for 4 children live-in, room board, small salary negotiable. 363-6988, 366-1225. Baby able to live-in. WEEKENDS OFF Call 966-0998 Housekeeper Professional couple needs a mature person to care for their 5 mo. infant in Fern Creek area home during weekdays.
Requirements: non-smoker, own transportation references. Please send letter to: R-746, care C.J.-Times, 525 W. Broadway, Louisville, Ky. 40202. needed.
Must be mature, have references, drive, must be between noon 5 p.m. BABYSITTER, 2nd shift, 2 children, Okolona area, prefer mature individual with own transportation. Call mornings after 10:00. 968-9300 2:30, $35 per 6 mo. infant BABYSITTER 9- My Home Preferably 581-9595 BABYSITTER, mature adult to babysit at my nome at night, 8:30 pm 7 am, Hikes Point area, references required, 459-4152 BABYSITTER, needed in my home.
Mon. Tues. Fri. for 4, yr. old and 2 school aged children.
499-6794 after 6 p.m. Buechel area. helper, 2 children, some driving, must be Crescent Hill, 897-3192 BABYSITTER, needed for infant, 6 a.m. 3 p.m., St. Matthews, your home.
222-7857 after 8 p.m. BABYSITTER, Hurstbourne area, for occasional days and evenings, child, references required. Call after 6 426-4341 BABYSITTER, mature responsible adult to sit in home, call only between 5-7 pm. 244-0432 BABYSITTER needed, after school hours until 5pm. Call after 5 368-7161 Help Wanted 205 BABYSITTER, live-in, for 6 yr.
old boy, mature person, references. 367-8510, 363-4243. BABYSITTER, drive children to activities 3-6 p.m., Mon.Thurs. Prospect. 895-9446.
housekeeping, in my home. Care for 6 mo. old infant. Call 588-1687. BABYSITTER, before after school, Hillridge Gaslite call 491-2226.
BANKING, BRANCH MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Leading financial institution seeking aggressively highly motivated individuals to place in its Branch Management training program. Successful candidates will have a good educational background proven experience in the work force, preferably in a financial environment. Applications or resumes previously received will be considered without reapplying. Applications taken at Bank of Louisville, Personnel Office, 6th Floor, 500 W. Broadway, on from 8:30 to 11:30 only.
Unfortunately parking will not be available in the building on that date, please do not apply by phone. Excellent career opportunity, Equal competitive Opportunity benefit Employer. BEAUTICIAN needed in high fashion salon in St. Matthews with following, experienced. Fee negotiable.
Leon 896-9990. BEAUTICIAN, guaranteed salary, Stellas Coiffures, Kiondike Shopping Center. Call 459-0104, 451-7458 BEAUTICIAN, prefer with following, great location 637-7745, 361-7652 BILLING Clerk. Permanent position. Experience on CRT, taking orders by phone, accounts receivable and billing.
Good benefits. Fee paid. Apply now. SWISHER Austin Building 1939 Goldsmith Lane BILLING Clerk, $12,000. Experience with IBM System 34.
Call Randy 948-2860 Snelling Snelling BODYPERSON wanted. Experienced only apply. Call 935-9037 Accountant Established East End construction company needs permanent employee, heavy experience a must. Experience on small computer system a plus or willing to learn. Excellent working environment.
Respond resume only including salary history to: Thurman Development 10000 Shelbyville Louisville, 40223. BOOKKEEPER Immediate opening for full time double entry bookkeeper, for east end office. Knowledge of computerized bookkeeping systems helpful. Excellent fringe benefits. Send resumes salary requirements to: PO Box 24163, Louisville, 40224 BOOKKEEPERS FULL CHARGE Payroll Accounts Top Pay No Fees Accountemps 456-4253 BOOKKEEPER FULL CHARGE 3-5, Indiana yrs.
experience. Southern company. Reply to Box M-182, 525 W. Broadway, Louisville, 40202 BOOKKEEPER, full charge through financial statements. Salary commensurate with ability.
Reply: Box 1416 S. 3rd Louisville, KY. 40208. help. Rental assistant, part time.
Mail resume to: PO Box 22415 Louisville, Ky. 40222 BUSINESS MANAGER Business Manager Management position responsible for the operations of patient billing, registration collections communications in a 120-bed acute care hospital. Candidate must have 5 yrs. related experience preferably in a healthcare institution. Send resume with salary requirements to: Personnel Department Ephraim McDowell Memorial Hospital 217 South 3rd St.
Danville, KY 40422. Equal opportunity employer BUSINESS office staff. Accounting experience required, Work with state federal contracts computer preferred. Responsible for management of small corporation fiscal affairs. Submit resumes to: CHS Inc.
402 E. Spring New Albany Ind. 47150 BUYER. Local auto instrument rebuilder needs one person to call on salvage yards for dashboard related parts removal. Must be familiar with years, makes with of vehicles.
dependable transportation required. Must be sober, dependable bondable. Ohio Valley Speedom- CAB DRIVERS Become A Lease Driver Cabs available for nights, days and weekends. Must be over 18 with good Yellow Cab 1601 S. Preston, Fri.
8 a.m.-noon CABINET benefits; Maker must -excellent pay, enced. Apply: 1405 Durrett Ln. Lou. Lumber Millwork Co. CABINET MAKER Must have minimum 3 yrs.
building laminated cabinets tops. Apply 1711 West Main St. CARE for elderly, tender loving care in her home. Must be experienced. Light housekeeping, 778-4186 CARPENTERS CARPENTERS: General finish work within Kentucky, Must have experience, own tools transportation.
Interviews Aug. 22, 23 24. 9 a.m. to 3 p. m.
only. Call 778-3003 for appointment. CARRIER NEW ALBANY AREA of State St. Bono Rd. Adult or industrious high school student wanted to carry a daily and Sun.
Courier Journal route. Profit of $200 per month. CASH BOND REQUIRED To apply call SCOTT MORROW, 589-JOBS, leave name, address and phone number. Help Wanted 205 CARRIER LARGE MOTOR ROUTE AVAILABLE to deliver Courier Journal and Louisville Times in CRESTWOOD, KY. Dependable car and cash bond required.
Profit approximately $800 per month. Call: HERB LACY, 589-JOBS, leave name, address and phone number CARRIERS CARRIER Openings Available to deliver Courier Journal and Louisville Times in the following areas: CRESCENT HILL AREA POPE FRANKFORT N. HITE LINDSAY Profit approximately per month. Cash Bond required. Call: DANA DAVIS, 589-JOBS, leave name, address and phone number SHELBYVILLE RD BRECKINRIDGE LN DUPONT CIRCLE BARDSTOWN TAYLORSVILLE RD.
CANNONS LN WILLIS AVE. Cash Bond required. Call: PAT WEIS, 589-JOBS, leave name, address and phone number. WOODBOURNE VALLETTA SPEED AND BARDSTOWN RD. SPEED NORRIS PLACE Excellent supplemental income.
Cash bond required. Call TOM DAVIS, 589-JOBS, leave name, address and phone number DIXIE HEATON Profit approximately $300 per month. $200 cash bond required. Call CHARLES I MOUSER, 589-JOBS, leave name, address and phone number CHENOWETH LANE AREA HERR LANE WESTPORT RD. AREA Approximate income $300 per month.
Cash required. Call STEVE BROWN, 589- JOBS, leave name, address and phone number. BARDSTOWN ROAD FERN CREEK HIGHVIEW AREAS Approx. monthly profit $200- $600. Cash Bond required.
Call TOM MAIER, 589-JOBS, leave name, address and phone number. CASE MANAGER CASE MANAGER for opmental Mental Community Services. DUTIES: Provide direct support services to persons with and their families, develop individual service plans, provide consultative services to agency staff and other service organizations, and assist in conducting needs assessments and assuring agency compliance with various licensing and regulation standards. QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelors Nursing; Masters Degree in Psychology (must become certified within one year); Social Work; Special Education or other related field of Human Service. Experience in working with persons with mental retardation preferred.
SALARY: Appointment range of for two years of professional experience. APPLY TO: Rick Christman, Program Director for Services, Western Kentucky Regional Board, P.O. Box 7287, Paducah, KY 42001 and include resume. Position open until filled. Equal Opportunity CHIEF Engineer CHIEF ENGINEER Supervise technical staff of station.
7 yrs. experience in operations and technical areas of television with 1st class FCC license required. Must be adept in both operations and maintenance. Salary negotiable depending on qualifications. Send letter and resume (no phone calls please) to WNIN-FM-TV 9201 Petersburg Evansville, IN.
47711. Women and minority applications encouraged. Equal Opportunity Employer Help Wanted 205 ACCOUNTING, Account Service Reps See our display ad in today's classified section under "'Customer ADP the computer company ACCOUNTING. To high $20's FEE PAID. Assistant controller with local firm.
Knowledge of Data Processing a plus. For interview call 897-5347. Business Mens Clearing House 616 EXECUTIVE PARK ADMINISTRATOR NURSING HOME ADMINISTRATOR needed for 200 plus bed facility in central KY. Reply with resume salary requirements to: Box P428, C. J.
Times, 525 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202 ADMINISTRATOR ADMINISTRATOR for ambulatory surgical center. Send resume to: American Surgical Inc. 325 East Court Ave. Jeffersonville, Ind.
47130 ADMISSIONS Director Admissions Director Knowledgeable, dynamic professional sought as Admissions Director for educational institution. Sales experience essential. Call 451-7559 ADVERTISING Sales ADVERTISING SALES Part time, work in own home, liberal commissions, write: Sales, P. O. Box 6683, Louisville, 40206.
AGENTS Need Extra Money? Selling Avon can help fight inflation. Call now 587-7334. Degreed. APA 635-7721 ARCHITECTURAL Draftsperson. Minimum of 5 yrs.
experience in production of construction drawings for general building construction projects. Excellent benefit package. Apply to: GRW Engineers, ATTN: Ms. Spring Emerson, 801 Corporate Lexington, KY 40503 or call 606-223-3999, ext. 227 Equal Opportunity Employer ARCHITECTUAL Draftsperson.
Graduate preferred. Entry level postion. Reply by mail only. Bayus Associates Inc. 215 East Burnett Ave.
40208 ARTISTS Freelance to create: Cartoon Character For air conditioning parts Earn $300 if character is accepted. This character will be developed into national advertising marketing campaign. Please submit Samples to: Box K-624, 525 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202. ASSISTANT MGR.
TRAINEE FUN JOB Due to expansion and promotions we have several openings for marketing or management training positions. Must be positive, aggressive and have good attitude. Auto a must. Advancement in 2-6 weeks, Call 895-0518 ASSISTANT Manager MANAGER TRAINEES Multi national company looking for ambitious people to train for high paying positions MR. DAVIS, 893-0791 ASSISTANT Manager ASSISTANT MANAGER Motivated individuals with strong better ladies clothing sales background needed.
Send resume to: Personnel Manager, 720 W. Main, Louisville, Ky. 40202. ASSISTANT Dental Assistant Wanted in Prospect area. Able to work from 12-8 a few days a 9-6 the rest of the call 228-2709 ASSISTANT Draft Supervisor.
2-3 years experience in direct delivery sales retail sales necessary. Supervisory experience helpful. Call Claudia Grenough, Dixie Beer Distributors, 361-0123. ASSISTANT Director, MHA degree. Some experience is needed, our fee paid! Good benefits, growth.
To $29,000 Call Nancy Walsh 585-5841 SNELLING SNELLING Cashier for parking garage, $3.30 per part time, weekends, midnight shift, must be over 18 have excellent math skills, neat appearance driver's license. Excellent for student. Call after 10am on Tues. 584-7706. AUDIO- -Visual Repair Technician Audio-Visual Repair Technician Part-time, must have knowledge of Audio Circuits.
Central School Supply 459-8504 AUTO Body Person GM experience preferred. Must furnish own tools. HANNAN Olds 966-2181 Fern Valley Old Shep. Contact Terry Vaughan AUTO Service Writer Experienced only. HANNAN Olds 966-2181 Fern Valley Old Shep Contact Terry Vaughan AUTOMATIVE AUTO MECHANIC Must be able to do front end alignment air cond.
work. Experience needed. 969-9135 AUTOMOTIVE MANAGEMENT Successful Louisville Chevrolet dealer looking for an aggressive individual to lead its entire customer service operations. All resumes kept confidential. Send replies to Box L-225, Courier Journal Times, 525 W.
Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202. ACCOUNTANT TOUCHE ROSS CO. Nashville office of Big 8 accounting firm seeking experienced professionals. 2-5 yrs. auditing experience required.
For prompt consideration, send a complete resume and salary history to: AUDIT RECRUITING TOUCHE ROSS CO. 2400 1ST AMERICAN CTR. NASHVILLE, 37238 ACCOUNTING AP The computing company The Dealer Services Division of ADP provides computing systems to motor vehicle, farm and power equipment dealerships nationwide and in Canada. We are in the process of staffing a new operation for our division headquarters as a result of significant business growth. Product Candidate should have a degree in Accounting or Business Administration.
A degree in Education is acceptable if it includes a minimum of nine hours Accounting. Auto, Farm or Truck dealership experience helpful. Exposure to computer science data processing desirable. The successful candidate should possess excellent communication and platform skills to enable them to lead group training sessions. Duties include instruction of our clients on how to operate a computer and how to use our accounting, payroll, payables, inventory, order entry and manufacturer communications applications.
Jobs begin on October 3 with a formalized training program in our Chicago division facility after which you MUST be willing to travel nationally. You can expect travel during the first two years of employment. We offer an excellent salary and comprehensive benefits package. For prompt consideration, submit resume with salary history to Mary Schumer: Box H363 C.J. Times 525 W.
Broadway Louisville, KY 40202 An Equal Opportunity Employer DIRECTOR OF UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE CHILD CARE CENTER The University of Louisville operates a Child Care Center which currently accommodates 100 children from infants through kindergarten. The Director will manage the financial, operational personnel activities of the Center. Specific responsibilites are: planning, developing, supervising, implementing, coordinating the on-going operations including the programs modules, nutrition program, housekeeping, safety requirements. The Director will plan, develop, recommend operating policies procedures; coordinate supervise collection of fees; interview, select, train, supervise, evaluate, schedule all Center personnel; coordinate supervise ordering of supplies, equipment food; coordinate recordkeeping as required by Federal, state local agencies. Qualifications: Master of Education degree with a maior in Early Childhood Education or other appropriate degree.
Ky. teaching certificate required. A minimum of year of child care supervisory or management experience 2 years experience working in a child care facility are required. Minimum entry level salary is $18,780 (12 month). Position available immediately.
Deadline date for receipt of resumes is Sept. 12. Send detailed resume at least 3 letters of reference to: Assistant Vice President for Student Life Room 12, Student Center University of Louisville Louisville, KY 40292 Equal Opportunity Employer Affirmative Action Employer CHILD CARE SUPERVISOR Co-op child care center teenage parent program. Position available with the Jefferson Co. Public Schools.
Scope of responsibilities: plans, implements and administers co-op day care center to meet the established requirements of the district and the Kentucky day care licensure board. Minimum qualifications: high school diploma or GED with additional training in early childhood education, 2 or more yrs. experience as head of day care center, 2 yrs. experience in supervision training day care center staff. Experience in proiect organization administration.
Experience with budget planning implementation. Send letter of interest resume with references to: Ronald E. Jones, Director of Classified Personnel, Jefferson Co. Public Schools, 3332 Newburg Louisville, KY 40218 Application deadline August 26, 1983. Equal Opportunity Employer CHILD CARE CO-OP CHILD CARE AIDE ferson Co.
Public Schools. Scope of responsibilities: assist supervisor in all aspects of the, co-op child care center program as necessary. Minimum qualifications: high school diploma or GED, experience in child care. Send letter of interest resume with references to: Ronald E. Jones, Director of Classified Personnel, Jefferson Co.
Public Schools, 3332 Newburg Louisville, KY 40218. Application deadline August 26, 1983. Equal Opportunity Employer CHILD Care, CHILD CARE WORKER Immediate part time 1st 2nd shift opening for a Child Care Worker. Applicants must be available to work weekends as well as some weekdays. Previous experience caring for preschool children is required.
If interested, apply at the Bureau for Manpower Services, 6th Cedar for this position. NKC, Inc. Louisville, KY 40202 Equal Opportunity Employer CHILD ABUSE Multi-Disciplinary Team Coordinator Master's level social worker needed to fill this time position. Experienced in child protective services with knowledge of local resources and group management skills. Reply to: Box D-833, 525 W.
Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202. CHILD Care. Extended Day Program in kindergarten-4th grade has opening for individual experienced in child care. Hourly wages, 12 noon-6 p.m. beginning Sept.
6. Mail qualifications, including experience, salary and references to: Kentucky Country Day 4100 Springdale Rd. Louisville, KY. 40222 CITY SALES Industrial Supply Co. has immediate opening for a person with experience in COUNTER TELEPHONE SALES Preferably in industrial or construction related businesses.
Interested person should send resume or application to Personnel, 500 E. Broadway, Louisville, Ky. 40202. CLEANING AUTOMOTIVE INTERIOR DETAIL Reconditioning specialist. Make sure that all of our used cars have spotless interiors and trunk compartments.
An important job with good working conditions. We will train the right person. Call Charles Woodson, 897-6541 CARPET KINNAIRD FRANCKE CARPET INTERIORS is interested in self motivated, dependable sales people willing to invest the hours in return for successful career. In order to meet our growth plans, we need capable people in Louisville, KY and Clarksville, IN locations; offering profit sharing, good benefits and an excellent future. Send resume only to Vonda Lewis, 207 Louisville Air Park, Louisville, KY 40213..